Guoqing Diao

Guoqing is a statistician interested in many theoretical and applied biostatistical problems. He is currently a professor in the Biostatistics Department at George Washington University. For details, visit his website.

Larry Tang

Larry Tang is a statistician specializing in statistical methodology and collaborative research. He is currently a professor in the Statistics Department at The University of Central Florida. For details visit his website.

Carmen Mineusa Abril

Carmen works on branching processes with a current focus on population-size-dependent branching processes. She is currently a faculty at the University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain. For more details, visit her website.

Pramita Bagchi

Pramita Bagchi is currently an Assistant Professor in Biostatistics at George Washington University. She works on high-dimensional time series and spatial problems. See her website for more details.

Scott Bruce is currently an Assistant professor in the Department of Statistics at Texas A&M University. His research interests are in Time series modeling and other trans-disciplinary problems. For details see his website.

Scott Bruce